Rotary Frenchmans’ Bay West Park, Pickering, Ontario
City of Pickering and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority
SLR Consulting – Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecology
Shoreplan – Shoreline and Structural Engineering
RV Anderson – Civil and Servicing Engineering
MJS Consulting – Electrical Engineering
DFP Surveyors LTD – Site Survey
Soil Engineers Ltd. – Geotechnical Engineering
Multiview – Subsurface Investigation Engineering
• Accessibility & Risk Assessment
• Arboriculture
• Contract Administration
• Landscape Architecture
• Park & Recreation Design
• Project Management
• Public Consultation
• Sustainable Development
Rotary Frenchmans’ Bay West Park Implementation, City of Pickering – Frenchmans’ Bay has been a destination for seasonal recreation for almost a century and continues to have a waterfront recreation focus; a focus that requires more balance and integration with a significant and unique local natural environment. Frenchman’s Bay is one of a series of large coastal wetlands along the north shore of Lake Ontario and is complemented with stable forests, meadows and dynamic barrier beach communities. The West Park, although considered a “low-key” natural environment, is very popular and is currently experiencing deterioration of its natural features due to uncontrolled and unconsolidated recreational use of the site. The owner, the TRCA, and the operator, the City of Pickering, wish to encourage waterfront recreational sports (such as canoeing, kayaking, paddle boarding, kite sailing, swimming etc.) however; they recognize that a workable balance between the site users and the environment needs to be found.
In early 2016, The MBTW Group was retained by the Town of Pickering in partnership with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, to prepare the detailed design and construction/tender documents for all three phase of park improvements, and to complete the public and stakeholder engagement process. A number of strategic and innovative design based solutions were explored during the detailed design development stages and a series of site modifications will begin implementation in late 2017. It is anticipated that implementation will be executed in three stages: Phase1 in 2018, Phase 2 in 2019 and Phase 3 in 2020.