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Sherwood Park

Main Street West and Tremaine Road, Milton, Ontario


Main Street West and Tremaine Road, Milton, Ontario


Town of Milton




Contract Administration
Landscape Architecture
Park & Recreation Design
Public Consultation

Sherwood Park is a district park at the northern limit of the Town of Milton at the intersection of Main Street West and Tremaine Road directly adjacent to the Indian Creek and in view of the Niagara Escarpment.

Amenities/Features accessible to all users and age groups include:

• Cricket common (with minor soccer infields);

• Lit minor baseball/softball field;

• Multi-use/basketball courts;

• Senior and junior playground;

• Lit trails and pathways with formal and informal seating areas connecting all amenities within the park and adjacent street frontages;

• Shade structures; and

• Lit parking area.

MBTW was involved in addressing grading and drainage conditions associated with existing perimeter grades, the environmental buffer to the existing creek, substantial grade differentials across the site and the incorporation of low impact development practices like bioswales.

MBTW assisted the Town of Milton with the public consultation process and with the preparation of various park concepts and presentation boards for the development of the preferred park concept. We were also engaged in the preparation of detailed design working drawings, submissions for site plan approvals for various municipal agencies, project tendering and contract administration.