Waterloo, Ontario
City of Waterloo
Accessibility & Risk Assessment
Landscape Architecture
Park & Recreation Design
Public Consultation
The Central Promenade is an existing section of the Trans Canada Trail, which runs north-south through the centre of Waterloo Park. This multi-modal trail accommodates an average 47,000 trail users per year, making it the most heavily used active transportation corridor in the Region.
The Central Promenade Functional Study addresses the following overall guiding principles:
• Provide accessibility and ease of wayfinding for all user groups.
• Provide for pedestrian safety and security.
• Provide for seamless connectivity within the park and between adjacent destination areas.
• Provide for placemaking elements along the promenade in support of the new LRT and structure for park programming.
• Provide for various modes of transportation within the corridor mainly walking pedestrians, cyclists, LRT trams, maintenance vehicles, and emergency respondents.
• Provide for compatibility with the Waterloo Park Master Plan (2009) and City of Waterloo Transportation Master Plan (2011).