Accessibility Training

Building Skills in Accessible Design

At The MBTW Group, we understand the importance of creating accessible landscapes and urban spaces that everyone can enjoy. It's not just about adhering to accessibility standards; it's about fostering inclusivity and ease of access in every project we undertake. 

To this end, all MBTW team members undergo comprehensive accessibility training and receive AODA certification, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to design spaces that are accessible to all.

Crosby Park, an accessible public space with a spray parked designed by MBTW

Our Commitment to Accessibility and Inclusive Design

MBTW staff collaborating on accessibility design documents and blueprints

Adherence to Standards

Our policy is clear: adhere to all relevant accessibility standards and regulations when designing public and private spaces. This commitment ensures that our designs are compliant and contribute positively to the fabric of accessible environments.

Collaboration with Experts

By actively engaging with accessibility experts and organizations, we ensure our projects meet or exceed the highest accessibility requirements. This collaboration enriches our understanding and implementation of accessible design, making each space we touch more inclusive.

Prioritizing Accessibility Features

We integrate essential accessibility features such as accessible paths, ramps, seating, and signage into our design projects. This approach extends to our own physical work environment, reinforcing our belief that accessibility is necessary at every level.

MBTW Accessibility Policies – PDF >

Field view of the Pan Am Tracks designed with accessible features
Accessible public space designed by MBTW, featuring ramps and wide pathways in Toronto

The Importance of Accessible Design

Accessible design is more than just meeting legal requirements—it's about creating environments welcoming everyone. Accessible landscapes and spaces empower individuals, regardless of their abilities, to navigate, enjoy, and participate in public life without barriers. 

At MBTW, we strive to be leaders in accessible design, continuously learning and applying universal design principles to make our communities more inclusive.

Through our dedication to accessibility training and AODA certification, MBTW is at the forefront of creating environments that are usable by all, ensuring a more inclusive future for our communities.

Let's Build Accessible Futures Together

Ready to learn more about our commitment to accessible design or discuss your project’s accessibility needs? Connect with us today.

Let’s create inclusive spaces together.

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