Jana Joyce

B.L.A., O.A.L.A., C.S.L.A., A.S.L.A.


Jana has over 27 years’ experience in public realm development in Canada. As Principal-in-Charge of Special Projects, Jana’s portfolio of includes a wide variety of unique and challenging projects that require one-of-a kind solutions. Her portfolio includes waterfronts, urban park renewal, urban infill, precinct-wide public realm design and design competitions.

Jana has been a speaker at the OPPI, the Canadian Brownfields Network and has adjudicated student thesis project presentations at the University of Guelph and has participated in studio culmination sessions for the University of Toronto, John H Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design, Master of Landscape Architecture program. Jana has also contributed to published articles for Ground Magazine which is published by the Ontario Association of Landscape Architects.

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Lesia Design Inc.

Lesia Design is


Jon Joyce


Michael Hannay