Location: 1 Hughson Street South, Hamilton, Ontario

Client: City of Hamilton

Project Start Date: 2015

Project End Date: 2017

Project Type:

  • Civic

  • Heritage

  • Public Realm Master Plans

  • Parks, Recreation and Open Space

  • Streetscapes

  • Street Pedestrianization

Construction Cost: $1,800,000.00


About the Project

Revitalizing key existing park features and integrating new Hamilton-specific elements were fundamental in re-connecting park visitors to this much loved gathering area.

MBTW was retained by the City of Hamilton in 2013 to prepare detailed design and construction drawings for the Gore Pedestrianization Initiative which encompassed three downtown City blocks along King Street West, between James Street and Catherine Street.

The Central Garden, located on King Street East between James and Hughson Streets (western block) is a popular gathering destination in the downtown area, however its iconic Fountain, Queen Victoria Memorial and surrounding park areas were in much need of renewal. Improvements were made possible through the larger Pedestrianization Initiative which included the full pedestrianization of King Street East and significant improvements to the connecting park space of the Central Garden.

Renewal efforts included the re-construction of King Street into a fully Pedestrianized amenity, realignment and replacement of site surfaces, installation of new lighting (retrofit of existing heritage fixtures), power and sound system for special events, replenishment and renovation of existing planting areas, design and coordination of custom seating features and bike rental stations and holiday tree installation infrastructure and power supply.

The project also included the coordination of an installation of a β€œMusic City Marker” created by artist Dave Kuruc. MBTW worked with the City and Kuruc to conceptually design the illuminated housing and base for the 2D graphics that were sourced from lyrics from songs of Hamilton based musicians. Short sections of lyrics were arranged into a series of word-based art works evoking letter pressed concert posters. This bright and colourful landmark enhances the renewal spirit of this vibrant urban place.

To address all aspects of implementation, the project involved several sub-consultants including civil, electrical, structural and geo-technical engineering as well as an irrigation specialist.  Construction of the Central Garden was completed in 2017.

The implementation of the Central Garden exemplifies the blending of excellence in project visioning, planning and urban design, landscape architecture, place-making and downtown revitalization. The Garden was a product of a well coordinated, dedicated and passionate team that included design consultants, municipal staff, local politicians and business owners, special interest groups, the public-at-large, public artist and a highly qualified contractor. The successful implementation has been pivotal in maintaining community enthusiasm; generating excitement and support for evolving downtown area.



  • Accessibility and Risk Assessment

  • Arboriculture

  • Contract Administration

  • Graphic Art & Interpretive Signage Design

  • Landscape Architecture

  • Project Management

  • Public & Stakeholder Consultation

  • Public Art Coordination

  • Special Event Planning


  • UCC (Contractor)

  • AECOM (Civil Engineering)

  • Blackwell (Structural Engineering)

  • PJ Materials Consultants Limited (Specialty Masonry)

  • MJS Consultants (Lighting and Electrical Engineering)

  • Beaches Irrigation (Irrigation Design)


  • City of Hamilton – Urban Design and Architecture Awards, Award of Outstanding Achievement and Excellence in Urban Design – 2015

  • Ontario Concrete Awards – 2015

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