Oakville Harbour - Oyster Bay

Location: 5 Walker Street, Oakville

Client: Town of Oakville

Project Start Date: 2014

Project End Date: 2015

Project Type:

  • Civic

  • Heritage

  • Public Realm Master Plans

  • Parks, Recreation and Open Space

  • Waterfronts

Construction Cost: $1,100,000.00


About the Project

The revitalization of Oyster Bay solved significant accessibility challenges while re-setting the ‘design bar’ for the Oakville Harbour West Shore parks.

In 2013, MBTW was retained by the Town of Oakville to develop detailed design for a series of park spaces along the west shores of the downtown Oakville Harbour at Sixteen Mile Creek. Oyster Bay, located upstream on Sixteen Mile Creek was the first of the park areas to be constructed as there were significant accessibility issues related to steep slopes and poor walkway conditions. The seawall in this location was also in need of significant repair.

As major site earthworks would be required to repair the shoreline, there was an opportunity to re-imagine a park design that would provide safe and accessible pedestrian and cycling routes through the site, linkages to park areas to the north and south and a barrier-free connection to the only public washroom on site. Park area improvements included seating and site furnishings, custom railings, heritage interpretive and wayfinding signage, native slope stabilization and seasonal planting areas, gathering nodes and picnic areas, barrier-free walkways and a main staircase.

MBTW worked closely with the coastal engineers responsible for the seawall works which preceded the landscape construction. Through careful coordination, the two projects came together seamlessly, delivering a revitalized park space that generated community excitement and political support for future phases.



  • Accessibility and Risk Assessment

  • Arboriculture

  • Contract Administration

  • Graphic Art & Interpretive Signage Design

  • Landscape Architecture

  • Project Management

  • Public & Stakeholder Consultation


  • LOMCO (Contractor)

  • Blackwell (Structural Engineering)

  • MJS Consultants (Lighting and Electrical Engineering)

  • RV Anderson (Civil Engineering)

Lesia Design Inc.

Lesia Design is


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