Green playground in background, bench in foreground

Location: 144 Samuel Lount Rd, Holland Landing, Ontario

Client: Town of East Gwillimbury

Project Start Date: 2017

Project End Date: 2018

Project Type:

  • Green Infrastructure

  • Parks, Recreation and Open Space


About the Project

Samuel Lount Park is a 1.0 hectare park located in the new Hillsborough Community in West Holland Landing (East Gwillimbury). The park contains two existing storm water management ponds, extensive mature specimen trees and extensive topography change. The MBTW Group was retained by the Town of East Gwillimbury to provide services including conceptual design, detailed design, tendering and contract administration of this park in 2018. The park design includes a new playground, shade structure, seat walls, seating nodes that overlook the ponds, site furnishings, new asphalt pathways that connect to the existing residential lands to the north, as well as to the new residential lots to the south and additional tree plantings. The design was sensitive to preservation of the existing ponds and specimen trees and graded to ensure that AODA requirements were met.



  • Accessibility and Risk Assessment

  • Arboriculture

  • Contract Administration

  • Landscape Architecture

  • Parks and Recreation

  • Project Management

  • Sustainable Design


Princes’ Gates


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